Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Early in the morning...

Though its difficult to wake in the morning
Iam active afterwards...
I will get ready soon
To catch my bus...
I will sit in the window seat
This is my precious moment...

I will inhale the fresh air
This is pollution free...
I will see the sunrise
What a beauty...
Our bus will go fast
As its traffic free...

Iam sure many are missing it
Iam enjoying it...


Jeevan said...

Glad you enjoying it:) wrote well kalai.

I love riding at mornings, those out of city, esp. along seaside.

omen said...

kalai ur correct.But what am doing is breathing fresh air as well as....I think u will know what i will do.

Alok said...

I could snese the elation, the energy and the excitement ... but then u know how poems are open to interpretation ... i could also sense wht tragedy we have done to our cities in the name of technology and sophistication

well written


kalai said...


Thank you friend. I too love to ride along seaside, but till now didnt got a chance...


Ya... i can guess it...


Thank you... Ya, u r absolutely right.. We have major improvement due to technology, but at the same time we are spoiling our life, environment... in some indirect ways...